Once upon a wish

Pretexts + Title

Show Images of Sunset Showdown, at random spots.

After the pretexts and title has been shown, start filming from the church tower facing the national base. A national plane flies by, followed by two royal planes flying in a close formation.


Scene 1; A Natural Talent

The national plane is flying around making slow loops, so it can be seen that he is not the least worried about his followers. The royal planes have a hard time following their target, and they shoot in his direction several times without hitting.

Picture 1: Film from the sniper cliff left of the church town, facing the national base. The national plane flies between two of the pines, the first royal plane crashes. The second one is hot on his tail.

Picture 2: Film from a wing of the royal plane that’s left. If the character takes up too much place, figure something else out. The background should be clouds only. The national plane is clearly visible in the center of the screen. National plane changes course, and flies upwards, out of picture.

Picture 3: Film the face of the surviving royal pilot.

Royal pilot: “But... Where did he go?”

Picture 4: Film just outside the church town, facing the bay. The royal plane is flying from the left to the right; it is visible that he is worried and anxious. When he is in the middle, he gets shot at from behind (If necessary, follow the royal plane with the camera). He bails into the sea before the plane explodes. The national plane flies by, and out of picture


Scene 2; Are you out of your mind??

The national pilot is talking with the general, and the general is furious at him for flying out for not obeying his orders by flying out on a recognizance without his permission. Film at the plantation.

Picture 1: The face of the general is shown.

General: “Did you have permission to take the plane and spy on those pesky royals, private?”

Pilot: *sigh*

Picture 2: The face of the pilot is shown

Pilot: “No sir, I… I was just trying to help, that’s all general”

Picture 3: The face of the general is shown.

General: “You should be happy that I don’t send you home immediately, private. This mission is of utter importance and by disobeying your orders you could have ruined the entire mission. Guess who is losing their head if that happens?”

Pilot: “I see sir, it won’t happen again general”

General: “Well, let’s hope so. And for you crime, you will be on dish-duty all day long, without gloves!

Pilot: “*sigh* Yes general”

General:”Now get your butt over to the kitchen and start dishing!”

Picture 4: The face of the pilot is shown.

Pilot: “Yes sir”

Pilot leaves


Scene 3; Once upon a wish

The pilot is walking and telling a little story

Picture 1: Face cam of the pilot while he´s walking.

Pilot: “There are times when I start dreaming, of a better life. I wonder how it would be if my father was more like me… We could have some great fun up there in the skies, just the two of us.”

Picture 2: Go to Seaside Skirmish and film from the mountain opposite of the lighthouse. Special effect: Sepia-toned and aged video

A national plane is flying from right to left.

Picture 3: Film from the royal base looking towards the red house in the distance.

A royal gunner is walking from the AA gun to a jeep parked close to a tree. When he’s about halfway, the national plane wingclips him.

Picture 4: Film in the middle of a grain field. Our pilot stands in the open and does the ‘I need a ride emote’. The national plane comes and picks him up.

Picture 5: White. Someone is yelling “Wake up, you bloody bastard!”

Picture 6: A close up on the national chef

Chef: “Why the hell aren’t you in my kitchen, and taking care of all the dirty plates?”

Pilot: “Mmmpfh..”

Chef: “I’ll speak to the general about this, for sure!”

The chef leaves the picture

Pilot: *sigh*


Scene 4; BOOM! Headshot

The pilot has just been in the kitchen and washed the plates (The kitchen is placed in the barracks house).

Picture 1: Film from the opposite side of the sea, facing the sea. The pilot walks out of the house

Picture 2: Film at the barracks house facing the national base. The pilot stands and looks out at the scenery

Someone behind the camera does the ‘hello emote’

Picture 3: A sniper comes out of the shadows behind the house, and walks up to the pilot

Picture 4: Filming from the side, facing out to the sea

Sniper: (Australian accent) “Are you in troubles mate?”

Pilot: “Yea, I guess you could say so…”

Sniper: “Aw, come on mate, cheer up. You are lucky to have the skills of the plane”

Pilot: “I think they only give me problems actually”

Picture 5: A royal plane lifts from the runway on the national base.

Pilot: “Oh no… Get inside!”

Picture 6: Film the snipers face

Sniper: “Nah, I finally got the basterd”

The sniper crouches and enters scope mode

Picture 7: Film from behind the sniper. The sniper aims for the plane and headshots the pilot flying it. (The plane pilot suicides to make sure he dies). The royal plane flies uncontrollably out and crashes into the water

Picture 8: Film the snipers face.

Sniper: “What did I say? No worries mate”



Scene 5; “To the pwnmobile!”

The pilot is walking in the church town

Picture 1: Film at a spawn spot

The pilot is walking slowly, and suddenly the sniper is coming from the church tower

Sniper (Breathless): “The royals... They are launching a full scale-attack!!”

Picture 2: Film the jeep in the town., the pilot and the sniper aren’t visible

Pilot: “Quick, go to the pwnmobile!”

Short break in the talking (The sniper gives him an implied facepalm)

Pilot: “Whaaat? Ah, alright… We have to warn the general!”

The pilot and the sniper jumps into the jeep, the sniper drives.

Picture 3: Film in the middle of the road that goes through the church town facing plantation.

The jeep drives away, and continues away to the plantation. Don’t stop filming until they have arrived

Picture 4: Film the red house from the side of the airfield. The general stands there when they arrive and get out of the jeep.

General: “What is happening soldier?”

Picture 4: Film the sniper.

Sniper: “The royals are launching a huge attack at us, we need to act quickly!”

General: *Gasp*

Picture 5: Film the general.

General: “Private, take a plane and kill some royals! Bring the sniper with you”

Pilot & Sniper: “Yes sir”

Picture 6: Film from the general’s point of view.

The pilot and the sniper runs away to a plane and flies away

Picture 7: Film from the beginning of the runway. The pilot and the sniper fly away.




Scene 6; Bleeding maniac

The pilot is fighting a lot of royal pilots, and is having a hard time surviving in the fight.

Picture 1: Film from a roof in the church town. 3 Royal pilots are flying in a V-shaped formation. Two tanks are leaving the base too.

Picture 2: Film the snipers face as he sits on the wing.

Sniper: “Here we go mate!”

Picture 3: Film from the sniper cliff left of the church town, facing the church. A royal pilot and the national pilot is flying head on and are shooting each other. The National pilot breaks off before they crash.

Picture 4: Film from the sniper cliff left of the church town, facing between the church and the national base. The pilot turns around by making a loop

Picture 5: Film from the wing of the pilots plane (If not possible, film from behind, on a another plane or something).The damaged royal plane is visible in front of the pilots plane he simply shoots it down.

Picture 6: Film the face of one of the 2 remaining royal pilots.

Royal 1: “Huh? Rod! We lost Garry!”

Picture 7: Film the face of the other royal pilot

Royal 2: “Oh no! He’s got me!”

The royal get blown up.

Picture 8: Film the face of the sniper

Sniper: “Nice one! Could you try to fly over one of those tanks?”

Picture 9: Film from one of the houses in the town, facing plantation. The pilot makes a U-turn.

Picture 10: Film the sniper. The sniper picks up a tnt and drops it down

Picture 11: Film one of from a field close to the sniper cliff. An explosion hits the tank, and it blows up

Picture 12: Film the AA close to the airfield at plantation. The general is sitting in it and shooting at a plane outside of the picture

Picture 13: Film the remaining royal plane from the side. AA shells are hitting the plane and blow it up.

Picture 14: Film the pilots face.

Pilot: “Haha! Only one royal tank left, he’s a sitting duck!”

Picture 15: Film from behind the royal tank. The pilot’s plane is visible as it charges towards the tank. The tank fires a shell. It blows up the pilot.


Scene 7; I am your father!

Picture 1: The general is standing in a little group of trees, between the royal zero base and plantation.

General: “I’m sorry that I was so harsh on you, but I hope you understand me, I couldn’t favorite you, that would be wrong”

Picture 2: Film the waves of the beach

Picture 3: Film the royal tank at the royal zero, looking out towards the sea

General: “I just wish..”

Picture 4: Back to the general

General: “…That things could have been different”

Picture 5: Film a national plane at the national base.

General: “You were skilled, for sure”

Picture 6: Film the church flag, where the national flag is waving proudly.

General: “About as good as I was in my old days…”

Picture 7: Back to the general

General: “..Rest in peace, in the knowing that im proud of you…


Quick ending after the last words



Film different spots at Sunset Showdown.


Nationella prov suger..

Gjorde ett idag, läsförståelse i Svenska


Randomness ftw

Jävla datorer...

Powerpoint lagg
Fan vad datorerna (klienterna) i skolan suger...
Jag var nyss färdig med ett halvstort arbete (NO'n), och skulle bah lägga till en bild.. Då hänger sig powerpoint.
Fyfan vad jag hurrade D:<


Mobilen e paj...
Jippi, mobilen e sönder...
Anyway, posta era nummer här http://DaDooD.bilddagboken.se/p/show.html?id=441205474&directlink=1

Random pic

Så jävla smal man kan va då...
Bara laddar upp en random bild nu ;)
Wut?  Tror iaf att det e vad hon hete xD  (fyi det e en av fellas kineser)

The Start

n00bDooD goes blogfag, will update in a minute

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